When will I receive payment for something I sold?
Once you have added items to you watch list you can review your watch list and any items you have bid on by going to the top right of the screen and selecting the drop down by your bidder number. This will allow you to select view watchlist.[/accordion_son][accordion_son size=”24″ title=”When are you accepting consignments for the next auction?”]We typically start accepting items the Wednesday following auction close and will accept until we are full or the Thursday before the auction starts, whichever comes first. All consignments are taken by appointment. Please call (608)525-0755 for an appointment.
When you bring items in please have them sorted in to lots, we will ask that you tag the items with numbers we will assign. We will also have you fill out a consignment form with the description of the item being sold.[/accordion_son][accordion_son size=”24″ title=”What forms of payment do you accept?”]We accept cash, cashiers check or credit card (via square).[/accordion_son][accordion_son size=”24″ title=”What is Lorem Ipsum?”]You can view or edit your personal data online for many of our services. You can also make choices about our collection and use of your data. How you can access or control your personal data will depend on which services you use. You can choose whether you wish to receive promotional communications from our web site by email, SMS, physical mail, and telephone. If you receive promotional email or SMS messages from us and would like to opt out, you can do so by following the directions in that message. You can also make choices about the receipt of promotional email, telephone calls, and postal mail by visiting and signing into Company Promotional Communications Manager, which allows you to update contact information, manage contact preferences, opt out of email subscriptions, and choose whether to share your contact information with our partners. These choices do not apply to mandatory service communications that are part of certain web site services.[/accordion_son][/accordion_father]